From the Comforts of Home: Passport Title Delivers Digital Closings
When customers living in Washington, D.C. decided to look for a new home in Maryland, their concerns about Covid-19 led them to house hunt on-line. After taking virtual tours and reaching a purchase decision, they discussed closing options with their title agent. An in-person closing was eliminated because of concerns about the pandemic.
Using digital closing capabilities, Passport Title conducted an online closing for a new home, from the comforts of home.
Our team used remote online notarization to facilitate the successful purchase of a residential property in Maryland for buyers who were staying at home – and staying safe – in the District of Columbia.
For title agents and their customers, Passport Title delivers innovative technology with personal service.
About Passport Title Services, LLC
For more information, visit us at www.PassportTitle.com and connect with us on LinkedIn.